Author Bio Tips & Examples


  1. Write in Third Person : Your Bio will seem more trustworthy if the reader thinks it has been written by a another person or third party.
  2. Let People Know What You Do: This seems like a give in, but some people do forget to do this. Make sure you take at least one sentence to say what you do.
  3. Don’t Just Focus on Yourself: It’s important to list your qualifications and background. Just be sure to do it a way that let’s the reader know how these skills are going to beneficial to them.

Ex. Steph Francisco has been the head writer at the 30 Day Blog Challenge for over 5 years now. Her love for helping people become top notch bloggers can be seen in the high quality content she provides to her readers.

  1. Be truthful: Gain the reader’s trust by being honest. They really want know who you are, they aren’t looking for the over exaggerated version of yourself. Readers can tell when you are feeding them lines. You will need to build up your credibility if you want them to trust that you are a reliable source.
  2. Keep it Relevant: You may have tons of experience or skills in many different fields, however it’s important to only mention your know-how that’s relatable to the article.  You want readers to believe that you’re an expert on the given topic and you should be. Don’t pitch articles on topics you know nothing about!

Ex. If you are writing about “How to make money blogging”, you should mention that you have a degree in journalism and that you’re the head writer for the 30 Day Blog Challenge. You don’t want to tell the reader that you worked in as a waitress for ten years and love cooking in your free time. This info is irrelevant!

6) Get Personal, When the time is Right: Make sure you know your audience and when it appropriate to write personal details.

Ex. If you are writing a blog about “The 5 Best Cat Foods” for a cat lovers website, it’s probably okay to mention that you are a cat lover and have 5 cat’s of your own. If you’re writing an article on “The top 10 stocks to watch” for a business website, steer clear of throwing in a personal detail. You want to keep it professional.

7) Don’t Go Too Long: Be to the point, this isn’t the place to write your life story. Use your writing skills to keep the sentences short and meaningful. Every sentence is should be informative and useful. If it’s not, don’t use it!

8) Be Memorable: Every site is you write for will be different, customize your Bio a little each time to appeal to those readers. Add something different about yourself that will stand out to the reader and make you memorable. This will make people want head to your site and see what else you have to offer. Be sure to add a link to your site if you can.

Author Bio Examples

Ex 1 ( Bio for a Travel Blog)


John is a writer, marketer and SEO specialist. As one of’s most valued contributors, he has traveled the world for over 15 years to bring the most in depth travel advice and stories to your fingertips. He has been to more than 47 countries and doesn’t plan to stop there. John looks forward to sharing his knowledge and  future adventures with you.

Ex 2 ( Bio for Home Style/ Design Blog)


John is a specialist in home staging and arrangement for the Home Design Store. For 12 years he has been putting his passion to good use, specializing in minimizing and decluttering of people’s homes. In 2013 he also began blogging for the Better Home website, which has helped thousands of people to create beautiful and well-organised homes. John offers you knowledge and insight into home design that you won’t find anywhere else.