Blog Post Template – Curated List Post


Why should you write a Curated List Post? 

  • Easy to scan and organized for the brain to process quickly
  • Helps you avoid creating content from scratch
  • Provides value to your reader by saving them time of researching many resources
  • Tend to rank well on Google

How should you write a Curated List Post?


  • Use number of list items (the higher the more perceived value)
  • Use keywords in the main headline.
  • Write in the present tense, and use active verbs.
  • Use an H1 or H2 tag and bold the title of your list to inform the reader and improve SEO.


You can start by acknowledging the pain or problem of finding the information you’ve curated or by immediately introducing the solution of providing your list.

Your reader will want to know if your list is credible, so mention the authoritative sources you consulted or the criteria you had for items to make the list.

Subheadings or crossheads:

List your items in a sensible order (alphabetical, chronological or order of importance to topic). It helps to improve clarity.

Provide a description of your list items under their subheading along with visuals, if available (i.e image, gif or video clip). Use this opportunity to link back to other articles on your blog to establish yourself as an authority in this arena. 

No need to provide transitions between listed items as you would in a How-To List post (Hubspot)


This style of post doesn’t require a conclusion. You can, however, point your reader to some of your own content that provides a deeper look at one of the items of your list or another post that is related.

You can also request additions to your list in the comments section.