Blog Post Template – Problem Solution Post


Why should you write a Problem Solution Post? 

  • Readers are searching for solutions to their problems – let them find you
  • Numbers provide certainty that one of your reader’s problems will be solved
  • Give the reader an expectation of a solution 

How should you write a Problem Solution Post?


  • Mention the problem(s), and promise a solution in the post
  • Use keywords in the main headline.
  • Write in the present tense, and use active verbs.


Empathize with your reader about their problem and mirror their feelings back to them. Promise them a solution.

When the reader realizes you understand their problem, they’ll be hooked and will want to keep reading to find the solution. 

Subheadings or crossheads:

With a numbered list of problems, place your two most irritating problems in the first and last position, with the less irritating problems (or mistakes) in the middle. 

Provide a description and the outcomes for each of the problems or mistakes.

Then tell your reader how to solve the problem or fix the mistake, and include an example with a positive outcome.

With a numbered list, you don’t need to provide a transition sentence to the following section.


Wrap up your post with a synopsis of what your reader just learned and how they won’t have to live with the problem any more.  Show them how by implementing the solution, their life will get better.