Why check his phone?

  • Why check his phone?

     Hannah Aina updated 4 years ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • Hannah Aina

    April 20, 2020 at 12:44 am

    Why check his phone? ladies are used to checking on their spouses or boyfriends’ phones instead of focusing on themselves and what makes them happy. If you are value-added to the man you dont need to check on whether he is cheating on you. Every man wants a spouse who is value added, not a liability. Ladies, make yourself indispensable by being value-added. Concentrate on your job, profession and see your spouse stick with you for the rest of his life. Financial dependence makes you a 2nd class citizen in your relationship. Stick to your profession or job and if he decides to walk out, you have something to fall back on.

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