Start and grow your dream blog with the courses, resources, tools, coaching, and connections inside our platform.

Imagine working on something you really love, working on your own schedule, making decisions for yourself, and owning a blogging business that you can run anywhere and anytime with higher income potential than the usual day/desk jobs..

The sad truth is, almost 95% of bloggers barely make any money from their blogging business. 

Many bloggers start with a dream of owning a blogging business but get stuck, confused, or scared and eventually give up, burying their business idea and everything with it. 

Is it possible to earn a living independently with a blogging business doing something you love? Of course!

Is it easy? Ha! Far from it. 

Building a blogging business is one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do, but it’s also one of the most rewarding.

So, why is it such a challenge to start a successful blog and build an online business? And why do most bloggers give up before they breakthrough?

Our program has helped thousands of budding bloggers over the past five+ years, and we have found that success vs. failure boils down to a few things:

  • Attention & dedication 
  • Opportunity plans
  • Relentless execution and
  • Community & support

Attention & Dedication are the foundation. You need to treat your blog like a business. You can monetize your blog in many different ways to earn a living, but no blogger succeeds without dedication.

Opportunity Plans matter. Ever wonder why some blogs take off like a rocket while others never get off the launch pad? The opportunity plan is a big part of it. A good opportunity plan identifies a specific group of people who want something that you can deliver in a way they’ll be willing to pay for. In other words: make something people want. Even better: make something lots of people desperately want.

Relentless Execution is how you bring your ideas to life. Planning is just 25% of the equation. The rest is execution. A great opportunity plan with poor execution is worthless. 

Community & Support means having access to people, tools, knowledge, and resources to keep you from wasting precious time on the things that don’t matter, and to help you overcome all the obstacles, speed bumps, and dark corners you’ll encounter along the way.

We have helped thousands of budding bloggers over the last 5+ years to start their blog, set it up for long-term success, build a blogging brand, develop new skills and workflows, prepare an opportunity plan for their blog, and eventually build a business to earn a living independently. 

Some of them have built very successful blogs and blogging careers, while others have created a small loyal fan base to support their business idea.

Every success story to come from the 30 day blog challenge, whether big or small, has relied on this combination of dedication, opportunity plan, relentless execution, community access, and support.  Your success story will too.

success is more than just information

More Than Just A Course

It’s really tempting to think that the key to your blogging success is a magic formula or a shiny object. But you know better.

When it comes to building a successful blog, an informative course is simply not enough.

Once you start a blog and publish a few posts, it can often feel like you are just spinning your wheels. You are working hard -day in and day out – and you are largely doing the same things and getting the same results.

You need to learn new skills and develop new workflows, execute your next marketing plan, and work towards your blogging goals.

You need someone to get feedback from, to fix your blog, to help edit your content, answer your questions, and maintain your blog.

Here’s how we help you do that.

Introducing THE 30 Day Blog challenge


Our membership that gives you all the training, tools, community, and support you need to start a successful blog and build an online business.

Growing course library
Processes & Systems
technical support
blog maintenance

Here’s a look at what you can expect inside our platform.



The first 30 days of training is your foundation. Think of it as the best primary school education you will receive on entrepreneurship and blogging. 

You will start from the very basics – with a few simple assignments on day 1 to start learning new skills for your blogging career and build a workflow. Your daily assignments will become more in-depth as you progress to learn more new skills as your workflow gets more complex. As you approach day 30, you will have built a solid foundation for your blogging career. 

Create Content Your Readers Love

Learn how to create interesting content easily, even if you think you have nothing interesting to write about. Discover how to find the topics, keywords, and headlines for your content. Figure out your writer’s voice to make sure you can attract the most readers to your blog

Get More Readers To Your Blog​

Getting quality readers to your blog can be a struggle. Learn how to define your audience, plan a promotional strategy, and how to get tons of visitors to your blog from search engines and social networks without paying for ads.

Make Your First Blogging Income

Learn how to get the right kind of readers and plan the right framework for making money from your blog, whether it is through advertising, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, selling digital products or physical products, offering services, or running a membership portal, etc…

Get More Email Subscribers

Learn our unique approach to get your first 100 email subscribers quickly. Learn the basics of email marketing, set up your first list, get email templates for your first few emails, and build trust with your readers from day 1.


Start and grow the blogging business of your dreams
with the courses, resources, tools, coaching, and connections inside our platform.

Try For $0. Cancel Anytime.



We focus on practicing and implementing as much as learning new skills.

Inside your membership area, you will find a growing library of essential courses to help with your blogging business.

Master WordPress in less than 2 hours.

Learn basics of affiliate marketing and monetize your blog.

Protect your blog legally.

Become a successful freelance blogger.

Manage your blog like a professional.

Improve your blogging results with better copy.

and more courses coming soon.


Start and grow the blogging business of your dreams
with the courses, resources, tools, coaching, and connections inside our platform.

Try For $0. Cancel Anytime.

exclusive resources


Successful bloggers use tools, processes, and systems to grow their blog.

We have put together a growing library of detailed step-by-step guides, video tutorials, content templates, email templates, and workflow checklists to manage your blogging business.

Video Tutorials

Get answers to all the technical issues you may face running your blog.


Each of these workflows has a checklist that is handy. Ideally, you would have a mix of these workflows and processes that is personalized to you.

Email Templates

The email templates are designed to give you a starting point for creating your own emails.

Content Templates

The content templates are designed to give you a starting point for creating your own blog posts, sales pages, landing pages, etc..


Start and grow the blogging business of your dreams
with the courses, resources, tools, coaching, and connections inside our platform.

Try For $0. Cancel Anytime.



Building a blog yourself can sometimes feel lonely.

Working day after day, you can spend a lot of time wondering if you’re making the right decisions or if this whole blogging thing is going to work out for you.

That’s where our community comes in. By participating in a supportive online community with hundreds of other bloggers like you, you’ll be able to ask questions, connect with other members, and keep a little more of your motivation and sanity intact.



Our tech support team is on the call for you and will be able to help with any technical problems you have.

Don’t worry if you can’t get something to work or break your site.

We will help with tech advice and answer any questions. If necessary, we will go as far as making a video showing you exactly what you need to do.

FOCUS ON YOUR BUSINESS and let us manage your site


With us, your WordPress blog stays live, healthy, updated, backed up, and secure—without you lifting a finger. And if anything does happen, we’re on it before you even know there’s a problem.

At the end of the day, our students just want to know that their WordPress blog is being handled. And that’s exactly what they get.


Security Check

We will scan your blog every day and keep it safe from threats.


Uptime Monitor

Our system keeps an eye on your blog and makes sure your website is not down.


Performance Check

A slow blog will hurt your business a lot. That’s why we benchmark your blog performance regularly.

Weekly Reports

We will keep you updated with a detailed report about your blog every Monday.




Most frequent questions and answers

Perfect! Just start our challenge at the beginning and we’ll guide you, even if you don’t yet have a business idea. Lots of people start 30 day blog challenge with out any prior experience.
Yes we can help! We’ve had people who joined when their blogs were already generating income, but they needed help getting to the next level. Whether you’ve earned $1 or are already at six figures, we can help. We focus on learning blogging skills, building blogging habits and connecting with other bloggers.
We’ve seen people build successful blogs with as little as 5 hours per week. In the beginning, you might spend much of that time studying our through courses. Eventually you’ll spend less time learning and more time doing, and we’ll be there to support you with our coaching and community.
You can cancel anytime with zero hassle, and no waiting periods.
Its free trial for the first 30 days. Unfortunately, it does cost us to be able to host the challenge, support our members, create new content, maintain the site, and keep our tech staff on call for you.

Other questions? Email us anytime:


Start and grow the blogging business of your dreams
with the courses, resources, tools, coaching, and connections inside our platform.

Try For $0. Cancel Anytime.


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