Reframe Your Fears

Don’t let your fears hold you back from blogging. Listen to your fears and turn them into empowering statements that help you move forward, learn something new and build your path to success.

Step 1: List your fears

Make a list of fears that you believe keeps you stuck from blogging.

Write them as “I” statements (e.g. “I have never blogged before and I’m not sure how to do it”, “I don’t think I’m a good writer”)

Step 2: Turn your fears into empowering statements

Rewrite your fears into empowering statements. Give yourself permission to move forward and learn the business of blogging without your fears holding your back.

For ex :

Fear : I’ve never blogged before and I’m not sure how to do it. I don’t know if I’m a good writer.

Statement : I’m learning how to blog and having fun doing something I’ve never done before.I’m learning to become a good writer.