We are more than happy now and excited to walk you through the exact process that thousands of people have used to start a successful blogging business.
Since we started 30 day blog challenge, nearly 10000+ people signed up and the results were incredible! This stuff works. And the best part? It’s simple to follow.
But, with that being said, you will need to spend some time.
Diving into something new (especially if you’re not quite sure how to start) can be daunting and intimidating, but rest assured, we are here to help you with your journey. Aside from simply saying “I want to start a blogging business”, We think it’s safe to say: We all want one or more of the following.
- To blog as a hobby and to have fun
- To help others with our experiences and ideas
- To be heard and appreciated
- To be a part of the community and connect with like minded people
- To learn new things in blogging as well as the subjects we blog about
- To build a business on its own or help build a business
- To pursue an opportunity like consulting, a book deal, paid writing gig etc ..
We want you to think through this clearly and understand why you want to start a blog.
Starting a blog can be exciting but the process can also be time-consuming and overwhelming. This is especially true if you are struggling to choose a niche that you enjoy and can also make you money as your blog progresses.
Fortunately, you don’t need to choose profitability or passion. Instead, you can combine the two when choosing a blogging niche, and create an online business that earns you money while also fueling your creative fire.
Yes, your blog can be about anything and/or everything. It’s entirely up to you.
You can monetize any type of blog too, so do not let that fear hold you back. There are many, many ways to monetize blogs, even the most unique ones!
Since we’ve already identified that passion will play a large role in your blog’s success, it’s important to choose a topic that really interests you. Moreover, listing all of your interests can help you come up with some unique and low-competition niche ideas.
Some people might have a long list of interests, while others have a fairly short one. Either way, you might be surprised once you get started. Here are just some of the many interests that could be worth blogging about:
So, how should you go about creating your own list of interests? While you can certainly take a few ideas from the example above, you can also ask yourself some questions:
- What do I enjoy doing in my free time?
- Am I the go-to person in my circle of friends for a specific topic?
- What subject can I talk about for hours?
Unfortunately, not all interests align themselves with profit. However, with a bit of creativity, you can come up with a few ideas on which to build.
For ex: Fried Dandelions is an excellent example of how to narrow your list of topics to create a profitable niche. The creator combines two passions (being a mom and eating a vegan diet) that work together nicely. She uses affiliate marketing to earn the bulk of her site’s income.
A narrower scope should also make it easier to become a niche leader. There will likely be less competition, making you more visible in search and on social media.
Conversely, it’s also possible to get too narrow when choosing a niche. There may simply be too small of an audience to make it worthwhile. It can also be a struggle to create relevant content in the long run.
We’ve got a few tips to make sure you strike the right balance:
- Choose a unique angle. It doesn’t have to be a completely unique topic, but you should be able to bring a fresh approach to it. To see what’s already out there and possibly get some inspiration, you can try entering your proposed topic along with the word ‘blog’ in search engines.
- Try combining interests. You could combine two, or even three, semi-related interests to create a unique niche, like Fried Dandelions.
- Think about a target audience. Always think about who would be interested in your niche and if there are enough of those people to make it profitable.
Ideally, at the end of this step, you’ll have a shortlist of potential ideas that you’ll eventually narrow down to one.
Important note: Networking with fellow bloggers is often the most important skill to practice and yet so many bloggers don’t start until late.
During the next 30 days, we want to make it a habit for you that you reach out and forge bonds with other fellow bloggers within our community.
Comment below with “I am committed to starting a blog that matters” and share your blog niche with others.
Please remember to click on ‘Mark Complete’ button to track your progress.